Gray's Bluemoon
There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. ~ William Shakespeare ~
Sunday, July 8, 2012
It's My Life - Bon Jovi
Another kick @$$ AMV, really thanks for the sharing.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Cat Mario
Well, is been really a long while ever since I made my last post. Just wanna share some fun stuff here. Cat Mario, I guess this is what others call it. A simple Mario-Like game that runs on PC platform. Download it in this link: and give it a try.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Still Alive (Mirror's Edge OST) - Lisa Miskovsky
Hmm, is been a while since I last posted in my blog. Well, just wanna share a song here which I felt some kind of special feeling whenever I listen to it. Just don't know how to describe it. You'll know when you listen to it. :)
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Starcraft 2 Launch Trailer
Oh man, I just love this trailer so much. Is more like a movie trailer than a game trailer. Kick @$$ trailer.
Friday, August 20, 2010
The Werewolves of Millers Hollow - New Moon
Just bought this expansion and didn't get a chance to play with friends yet. The new game play is superb and I can't wait to lay a hand on this with my buddies. Nevertheless, I didn't see much reviews or info on this expansion. Since I'm a huge fan of it, perhaps I should disclose some of the content of this award winning card game expansion. (Note: All information below are extracted from The Werewolves of Millers Hollow - New Moon booklet)
New Characters:
First and foremost, New Moon comes with 5 new characters as below:
(1) Scapegoat: Most of the time Scapegoat is just a normal townsfolk. However, his/her destiny will be decided when comes to voting. If the voting result comes to a tide, no one will be eliminated but Scapegoat. So Scapegoat must make sure there will never be any tide in voting in order to keep himself alive. However, if Scapegoat is eliminated due to tide, he can initiate his ability to choose who are only players that eligible to vote in the next round.

(2) Village Idiot: As the name implies, this is a Village Idiot which will be eliminated in any form other than being vote. If he is voted by the townsfolk, he will revealing himself as Village Idiot and he will immediately gain pardon from the village and stay alive. However he will lost his voting right although he may still participate in the debates. If the Village Idiot is a Sheriff, he will lost his Sheriff role for good.

(3) Piper: Piper is a character that has his own mission to win the game, just like the Werewolf and Townsfolk couple which have to kill everyone in the Village in order to win. Piper's mission is to charm everyone in the village. Each night, Piper will be called to charm any 2 players other than himself, and the charmed player will be called by the Moderator soon after Piper went back to sleep. The charmed player will recognized each other, and eventually more and more charmed player will recognized themselves along with the rest which have been charmed earlier. Once all the players are charm, Piper wins the game.

(4) Elder: Elder is the character that can survive from the Werewolves attack on the first blow. He will be eliminated when he is devour second time by the Werewolves. However, Witch's poison, Hunter's shot, and Townsfolk's vote will take him down directly on first hit. Either way, his death will remove all the special abilities that the townsfolk possesses. Also, if Elder is kill after the Village Idiot has revealed himself, the Village idiot will die along the Elder. Witch's potion only recover Elder's life for once, not twice.

(5) Defender: Each night, the Defender will be called up to select a player that he wants to defend from Werewolves, hence Werewolves can't kill this player on the first hit. Defender has the right to select himself to be protected by the Werewolves, but he can't select the same person to be protected 2 nights in a row, and he will never able to protect the Little Girl.

The Variants:
(1) Moonlight: Play outdoors in a magical ambiance.
The eerie atmosphere ideally emphasizes all the variants we offer below. Set yourselves up outside under the starry sky, and from a circle around the moderator. Wear period clothing, listen to music appropriate to that ancient time.
In this arcane environment where one can almost hear the howl of the wolves, set a small lit candle in front of each player.
From now on, each morning the moderator blows out the candle in front of the victim of the Werewolves, and each evening after the vote, the victim of the village extinguishes her own candle. It will make the mood increasingly darker in the village, and the survivors will be the only ones visible, ready to be devoured.
You can also adopt a more stressful variant for the Werewolves: it is they who, in one way or another, will have to extinguish the candle of each of their victims. If more than one candle dies out, there is no victim.
(2) Community of Hamlets: Are there a great number of you? You can all play together...
When you gather many friends to play Werewolves of Millers Hollow, you can create several villages. The ideal in this variant would be to have one room per village - if you are playing outside, you can play by separating the groups by about sixty feet.
Each village needs to be a complete game. It is recommended to have one moderator per village, but you can orchestrate the executions of day/night simultaneously for all the villages.
The games proceed normally, but the players can decide to leave their village at any moment of the game, except during the night and if they are designated to be eliminated by popular accusation.
A player that decides to change villages for personal convenience leaves the table with her card, which she keeps secret. She goes to another village of her choice during the day, and knocks on the door or waits until someone authorizes her to move into the new village.
In order to avoid excessive disorder, the organizers may decide to limit the comings and goings from one village to another (for example, not more than 2 departures per village).
It is possible that there will be several identical characters in a village. It's even possible that the Werewolves desert a village they consider to be too dangerous. In this case, the Villagers of the village win their game.
Note that by moving too often, you are taking an additional risk: The Villagers of the region of Millers Hollow are often narrow-minded. A stranger is always suspect... We witnessed villages in which every newcomer was systematically condemned by the popular tribunal.
(3) In any case, it surely isn't him!: Change the voting system.
Here is a new way of voting to designate the victim of the popular tribunal. It is a mini-variant to use from time to time in a game.
All the Villagers still in the game rise. Then the neighbor to the left of the last eliminated player designates a Villager whom she guarantees to be innocent. The first voter remains standing: She will have to be proven innocent if she wants to survive.
The Villager who was declared innocent sits down, and then in turn designates a Villager whom he wishes to save who will then sit down as well. Continue like this until one player is left standing.
The last player is the victim of the village vote.
Of course, debate is still welcome during the vote. Caution: In this variant, the Werewolves can easily declare one another innocent, and thus escape their just punishment. Be very attention to who clears whom. The village will only be sure to eliminate one of the Werewolves if the Werewolves are the very last to vote.
(4) The Writing's on the Wall: Express your feelings on the small wall behind the town hall.
This variant can be used along with the others. Before nightfall, the inhabitants of Millers Hollow have the habit of coming to read the small, anonymous graffiti written on the little wall behind the town hall.
Each Villager still in the game writes a short phrase of her choice on a slip of paper, and gives it to the moderator. The author of each graffiti must remain anonymous, but each one is free to write whatever she wants: suspicious, warnings, comments, denunciations, compliments, declarations of love...
When they've all been gathered up, the moderator reads all the graffiti in random order. The Villager can then fall asleep, their minds still troubled by these short messages.
(5) Double You: The Villagers have a split personality...
(a) The Small Complication - from 7 to 9 players; if you wish to play with more, you will need a second copy of the base game
This variant permits each player to portray a true role, her character being visible to all: the Fortune Teller, the Hunter, the Witch, Cupid, the Defender, the Elder, the Scapegoat, and up to 2 Simple Villagers are the characters whom you will portray. Deal each one player one of these cards face-up.
Then deal to each player a second card face down, called the alignment card, from the following: 2 Werewolves and 5 to 7 Simple Villagers, according to the number of players.
Each player keeps the alignment card she received secret as long as she is not eliminated.
This alignment card tells the player to which camp she belongs: Werewolves or Villagers.
The goal of the players whose alignment card is a Werewolves is to eliminate the players whose alignment card is Villager, and vice versa.
Do not disturb the following characters: Thief, Little Girl, Idiot, Piper.
(b) The Great Complication
Prepare the cards as before, shuffle them, then deal two cards face-down to each player. These cards will remain secret.
What can be done without making any changes: The Witch can be the Fortune Teller, the Hunter can be the Defender, and the Elder can be the Scapegoat.
When a player has at least one Werewolf card, she is a Werewolf. If this player has a special ability on the other card, she can use it as well.
(6) Harvest Festival: The inebriation from the festivities strangely modifies the abilities of the inhabitants of Millers Hollow.
It is suggested to have more Werewolves than usual. All the abilities are disrupted until the end of the game by excessive drink, according to the following indications:
- The Werewolves can only devour someone next to one of them.
- The Fortune Teller is drunk, and cannot distinguish between the visions that appear in her mind: The Fortune Teller as usual, designates a player whose personality she wishes to probe, but in response, the moderator gives her the identities of 3 players: the designated player and his 2 neighbors. The moderator should not specify which player portrays which character.
- The Hunter must choose his victim from one of his two neighbors.
- The Little Girl has a hard time managing her slumber. She awakes too late to spot Werewolves and can only spy on the Witch.
- The Thief, if she has the Thief card all day, must during the first night, with the help of the moderator, exchange it with the card of the player of her choice. Each player will have to check his character the following morning.
- The Sheriff will have to vote before all the other players.
- The Scapegoat is no longer eliminated in the event of tie, but rather in the place of one of her two neighbors, should they be eliminated by village vote.
- The Idiot drunk is no more (or less) idiotic that usual; nothing change for her.
- The Witch is distracted, she has mislaid one potion (thus can only use her ability once), and furthermore, when she uses her ability, she is sometimes mistaken about the bottle.
After the Witch has designated a player, the moderator tosses the lid and bottom of a Werewolves box, and according to their disposition on the ground, announces aloud the result of the potion:
> Inner Lid + Inner Bottom = Cured
> Inner Lid + Outer Bottom = Cured and transformed into a Simple Villager
> Outer Lid + Inner Bottom = Cured and transformed into a Werewolf
> Outer Lid + Outer Bottom = Eliminated
- Cupid chooses the two Lovers, who see each other and fall asleep again, just like normal: they are the True Lovers. After that, however, he points at one of the True Lovers and one other player.
The moderator awakens them so they can see each other. The True Lover becomes the Deceitful Lover, the new lover become the Secret Lover, and they fall asleep again. The True Lover who wasn't selected become the Jilted Lover.
From then on:
> If the Jilted Lover is killed, neither of the other Lovers die.
> If the Deceitful Lover is killed, both of the other Lovers die.
> If the Secret Lover is killed, then only the Deceitful Lover dies, the Jilted Lover realizes he has been Jilted and does not die.
The Jilted Lover may not vote against the Deceitful Lover, though she can do it to him.
It is forbidden for the Secret Lover and the Deceitful Lover to vote against one another.
- The Defender can only protect herself or one of her 2 neighbors.
- The Piper charms only one player at a time.
(7) The Black Death: A surprise from the moderator, to be kept secret from all players.
(8) Lycanthropic Fascination: Now, the Werewolves fascinate their victims!
So that their crimes remian as discreet as possible, the Werewolves develop their faculty to mesmerize their victims, rather than devour them.
Each victim of the Werewolves is no longer eliminated from the game, but immediately loses all her abilities.
Each night, the Werewolves designate one victim who must keep her eyes closed. In order to let her know that she was fascinated, the moderator discreetly touches her head. In the morning, she remains anonymous.
Therefore, as the night pass, there will be more and more mesmerized victims.
Note, if one of the mesmerized victims gets lynched, all the other Werewolf victims are immediately eliminated as well...
The Werewolves win if they mesmerize the second-to-last Villager.
(9) New Moon: The magnum opus of this expansion, 36 events that modify the dramatic nature of your adventures each morning with awakening of the Villagers.
[To be further elaborate...]
This is the new feature of the expansion where by events will be added into the game play to create new possibilities, prevent imbalance, some merely for fun, and etc
(1) Somnambulism - The Fortune Teller has become a sleepwalker. From now until the end of the game, the Moderator will announce the secret identity of the character that Fortune Teller reveal out loud. However, the rest still will not know on which player Fortune Teller was spying.
(2) Touch of Death - From now until the end of the game, in order to be devoured, the victim of the Werewolves must be touched by one of them. Otherwise, there will be no victim of the Werewolves.
(3) Executioner - In order to keep their hands clean, the villagers elect someone to the office of Executioner. From now until the end of the game, the identity of the victims of the vote will be known only to the Executioner; Executioner will never show the card of the victims.
(4) Burial - Once the Werewolves are sated, they bury the remains of their nocturnal victims. From now until the end of the game, the identities of the Werewolves' victim will never revealed to anyone.
(5) Double Agent - The village falls asleep, the first player eliminated designates a non-Werewolves player to open the eyes. The Moderator secretly points out the werewolves to the player, who becomes their secret ally.
(6) The Little Rascal - The youngest person of the village will be the "Little Rascal", who leaves in search of aid in the neighboring village. He returns the next morning and he takes back his place, but his vote will be worth triple.
(7) Backfire - The next night, if the Werewolves designate a Simple Villager, she is not eliminated, but instead transforms into a Werewolf. Otherwise, the victim survives and the first Werewolf to her left is struck down.
(8) Dissatisfaction - Disappointed by their lousy results, the village gets carried away with their lust for justice. If the next player eliminated by the village is not a Werewolf, the village, vexed, votes a second time. The second vote proceeds immediately and without discussion, in order to eliminate a second suspect.
(9) Influences - The next vote is done in turn. The first voter designates a player and leaves her arm pointed. The player to her left proceeds in the same fashion, and so on.
(10) Full Moon Rising - The following night, the Werewolves become Fortune Teller. Each one of them will awake in turn to spy on 1 player. The Hunter, the Witch, and the Fortune Teller become Werewolves; they awake together and eliminate 1 player during the night.
(11) Enthusiasm - Encouraged by their exceptional results, the village gets carried away with their lust of justice. If the next player eliminated by the village is a Werewolf, the village, over-joyed, voted a second time. The second vote proceeds immediately and without discussion, in order to eliminate a second suspect.
(12) The Specter - Discreetly touched by the moderator, the next player designated by the Werewolves opens her eyes. The Werewolves keep their eye open. She becomes a Werewolf, and designated 1 vote of the old Werewolves, who is immediately eliminated.
(13) Miracle - The last victim of the Werewolves is not actually eliminated. She simply fainted of fright in the face of the lycanthropes, and that saved her. She regains her senses and returns to the game immediately, but as a Simple Villager.
(14) Good Manners - You are all courteous to the other villagers: Interrupting anyone is forbidden. Each of you speaks in turn under the supervision of the moderator. Any player who violates this rule loses her right to vote for this turn.
(15) Saint Philippe - In memory of the great Philippe the Lame, the village elects a truly charismatic leader. If the village already had a Sheriff, he is fired for incompetence and a new Sheriff is elected. The elected Sheriff recites the oath as follows: "The way of Philippe I shall follow, and the village I shall protect."
(16) Heads or Tails - Today, the village pays homage to the famous player Herve the One-Eyed. The moderator, immediately after the verdict of the tribunal, selects possible grace for the condemned with the flip of a coin. Tails: The village releases the condemned, who cries "Oh, many thanks, Herve!". Heads: The condemned is eliminated and cries "Oh I hate you, Herve!".
(17) Woodland Gathering - All the female players depart into the forest to gather mysterious plants, which are indispensable to the Witch. They will return at sundown. They participate neither in debates, nor in votes. The male players may not vote against them. The Witch recovers an extra potion just before nightfall.
(18) Radiant Sunday - Everybody benefits from the sun. Nothing in particular occurs. It is a normal turn unless the moderator decides to apply the "Lycanthropic Fascination" variant.
(19) Saturday Evening Ball - This evening, the youngsters of the village will dance, and won't return until dawn. Each player gives her age; the younger half of the village will form a clan of dancers. The dancers participate neither in debates, nor in votes. The "geezers" may not vote against them. Moreover, the "youngsters" can neither eat if they are Werewolves, nor be devoured by the Werewolves.
(20) Eclipse - This morning, there's a bad moon rising in Millers Hollow. The villager are gruff with one another. The player turn their backs towards the center of the circle, and debate without looking at one another. The moderator forbids anyone who disobeys from voting. The players will return to their usual orientation at the precise instant of the vote.
(21) Pact with the Devil - Immediately after the verdict of the tribunal, the condemned can make a pact with the devil. In this case, she is not eliminated by this vote. But take note! If, at the end of the game, she belongs to the camp that vanquished, she will then be excluded from the potential next game.
(22) Flood - A flood transforms Millers Hollow into lakeside village. The female players are sheltered in the church; the male players, in the inn. There is no vote during the day. The next night, the Werewolves must eat in the building where they have taken refuge. Thus, there can be 2 victims of the Werewolves. This event only applies if at least 6 players remain.
(23) April Fools' - Certain characters exchange their abilities: Witch & Fortune Teller. Hunter & Little Girl. Defender & Elder. As for the Lovers, they hate one another, and each must vote against the other. This turn, if one of the lovers dies, the other remains alive, since they don't like each other any more.
(24) End of the Harvest - Everyone is a little tired; nothing special happens. It is a normal turn unless the moderator decides to apply the "Harvest Festival" variant.
(25) Great Distrust - Fierce distrust sweeps through the village of Millers Hollow. Each villager gets 2 votes she can use to designate her 2 best friends. The votes will be executed simultaneously with the players' 2 hands when the moderator gives the signal. If one or more players find themselves without any vote for them, they will be eliminated.
(26) Luncheon for Seniors - The veterans will pass their day at the seniors' banquet in a neighboring village, and will not return until the setting of the sun. Each player gives her age; the older half of the village forms the clan of seniors. Until their return, they participate neither in debates, nor in votes. The "youngsters" may not vote against them.
(27) Punishment - In order to make him pay for her disappearance, the player last eliminated designates a player. This player will be eliminated, unless at least 2 people attest to his integrity. The witness will come to kiss him on the cheek. If they are slow in appearing, the condemned has the right to plead to elicit the kisses.
(28) Gone Hunting - The male players leave to go hunting in the forest. They don't return until dawn. They participate in neither the debates, nor the votes. The players cannot vote against them. Moreover, they can neither devour if they are the Werewolves, nor be devoured by the Werewolves.
(29) Nor Me, Nor Wolf - Out of superstition, the villagers choose not to speak the words "wolf", or "me" any more. Any player who violates this rule loses her votes in the coming vote.
(30)Bleak Monday - It is a sad, uneventful day. Nothing in particular happens. It is a normal turn unless the moderator decides to apply the "In any case, it surely isn't him!" variant.
(31) Nightmare - A person of the village appeared in your dreams, exhibiting the traits of a lycanthrope assassin. Immediately the villagers awake, and without discussion, starting with the player to the left of the last one eliminated, each player must accuse 1 villager. The villager with the most accusations will be eliminated.
(32) Spiritualism - The village organizes a seance to invoke the departed spirit of the first victim of the Werewolves... A player is chosen and she ask one of the following questions to the departed:
* Are the 2 players I am going to point in the same camp?
* Does at least one Werewolf wear glasses?
* Is the Witch a man?
* Is the Sheriff a Simple Villager?
The departed will respond with yes or no.
(33) Spiritualism - The village organizes a seance to invoke the departed spirit of the first victim of the Werewolves... A player is chosen and she ask one of the following questions to the departed:
* Is one of the Werewolves wearing jeans?
* Is one of the Werewolves wearing a black top?
* Are all the Werewolves men in real life?
* Are all the Werewolves women in real life?
The departed will respond with yes or no.
(34) Spiritualism - The village organizes a seance to invoke the departed spirit of the first victim of the Werewolves... A player is chosen and she ask one of the following questions to the departed:
* Did the Fortune Teller discover at least one Werewolf?
* Are some Werewolves next to each other?
* Is a Werewolf wearing at least one visible piece of jewelry?
* Am I a Werewolf?
The departed will respond with yes or no.
(35) Spiritualism - The village organizes a seance to invoke the departed spirit of the first victim of the Werewolves... A player is chosen and she ask one of the following questions to the departed:
* Am I a Simple Villager?
* Is one of the Werewolves the Sheriff?
* Does one of the Werewolves live where we are playing?
* Is one of the Werewolves a smoker?
The departed will respond with yes or no.
(36) Spiritualism - The village organizes a seance to invoke the departed spirit of the first victim of the Werewolves... A player is chosen and she ask one of the following questions to the departed:
* Is one of the Werewolves a man?
* Is one of the Werewolves a woman?
* Is one of the 2 neighbors of the player I indicate a Werewolf?
* Is the player that I indicate a Simple Villager?
The departed will respond with yes or no.
New Characters:
First and foremost, New Moon comes with 5 new characters as below:
(1) Scapegoat: Most of the time Scapegoat is just a normal townsfolk. However, his/her destiny will be decided when comes to voting. If the voting result comes to a tide, no one will be eliminated but Scapegoat. So Scapegoat must make sure there will never be any tide in voting in order to keep himself alive. However, if Scapegoat is eliminated due to tide, he can initiate his ability to choose who are only players that eligible to vote in the next round.

(2) Village Idiot: As the name implies, this is a Village Idiot which will be eliminated in any form other than being vote. If he is voted by the townsfolk, he will revealing himself as Village Idiot and he will immediately gain pardon from the village and stay alive. However he will lost his voting right although he may still participate in the debates. If the Village Idiot is a Sheriff, he will lost his Sheriff role for good.

(3) Piper: Piper is a character that has his own mission to win the game, just like the Werewolf and Townsfolk couple which have to kill everyone in the Village in order to win. Piper's mission is to charm everyone in the village. Each night, Piper will be called to charm any 2 players other than himself, and the charmed player will be called by the Moderator soon after Piper went back to sleep. The charmed player will recognized each other, and eventually more and more charmed player will recognized themselves along with the rest which have been charmed earlier. Once all the players are charm, Piper wins the game.

(4) Elder: Elder is the character that can survive from the Werewolves attack on the first blow. He will be eliminated when he is devour second time by the Werewolves. However, Witch's poison, Hunter's shot, and Townsfolk's vote will take him down directly on first hit. Either way, his death will remove all the special abilities that the townsfolk possesses. Also, if Elder is kill after the Village Idiot has revealed himself, the Village idiot will die along the Elder. Witch's potion only recover Elder's life for once, not twice.

(5) Defender: Each night, the Defender will be called up to select a player that he wants to defend from Werewolves, hence Werewolves can't kill this player on the first hit. Defender has the right to select himself to be protected by the Werewolves, but he can't select the same person to be protected 2 nights in a row, and he will never able to protect the Little Girl.

The Variants:
(1) Moonlight: Play outdoors in a magical ambiance.
The eerie atmosphere ideally emphasizes all the variants we offer below. Set yourselves up outside under the starry sky, and from a circle around the moderator. Wear period clothing, listen to music appropriate to that ancient time.
In this arcane environment where one can almost hear the howl of the wolves, set a small lit candle in front of each player.
From now on, each morning the moderator blows out the candle in front of the victim of the Werewolves, and each evening after the vote, the victim of the village extinguishes her own candle. It will make the mood increasingly darker in the village, and the survivors will be the only ones visible, ready to be devoured.
You can also adopt a more stressful variant for the Werewolves: it is they who, in one way or another, will have to extinguish the candle of each of their victims. If more than one candle dies out, there is no victim.
(2) Community of Hamlets: Are there a great number of you? You can all play together...
When you gather many friends to play Werewolves of Millers Hollow, you can create several villages. The ideal in this variant would be to have one room per village - if you are playing outside, you can play by separating the groups by about sixty feet.
Each village needs to be a complete game. It is recommended to have one moderator per village, but you can orchestrate the executions of day/night simultaneously for all the villages.
The games proceed normally, but the players can decide to leave their village at any moment of the game, except during the night and if they are designated to be eliminated by popular accusation.
A player that decides to change villages for personal convenience leaves the table with her card, which she keeps secret. She goes to another village of her choice during the day, and knocks on the door or waits until someone authorizes her to move into the new village.
In order to avoid excessive disorder, the organizers may decide to limit the comings and goings from one village to another (for example, not more than 2 departures per village).
It is possible that there will be several identical characters in a village. It's even possible that the Werewolves desert a village they consider to be too dangerous. In this case, the Villagers of the village win their game.
Note that by moving too often, you are taking an additional risk: The Villagers of the region of Millers Hollow are often narrow-minded. A stranger is always suspect... We witnessed villages in which every newcomer was systematically condemned by the popular tribunal.
(3) In any case, it surely isn't him!: Change the voting system.
Here is a new way of voting to designate the victim of the popular tribunal. It is a mini-variant to use from time to time in a game.
All the Villagers still in the game rise. Then the neighbor to the left of the last eliminated player designates a Villager whom she guarantees to be innocent. The first voter remains standing: She will have to be proven innocent if she wants to survive.
The Villager who was declared innocent sits down, and then in turn designates a Villager whom he wishes to save who will then sit down as well. Continue like this until one player is left standing.
The last player is the victim of the village vote.
Of course, debate is still welcome during the vote. Caution: In this variant, the Werewolves can easily declare one another innocent, and thus escape their just punishment. Be very attention to who clears whom. The village will only be sure to eliminate one of the Werewolves if the Werewolves are the very last to vote.
(4) The Writing's on the Wall: Express your feelings on the small wall behind the town hall.
This variant can be used along with the others. Before nightfall, the inhabitants of Millers Hollow have the habit of coming to read the small, anonymous graffiti written on the little wall behind the town hall.
Each Villager still in the game writes a short phrase of her choice on a slip of paper, and gives it to the moderator. The author of each graffiti must remain anonymous, but each one is free to write whatever she wants: suspicious, warnings, comments, denunciations, compliments, declarations of love...
When they've all been gathered up, the moderator reads all the graffiti in random order. The Villager can then fall asleep, their minds still troubled by these short messages.
(5) Double You: The Villagers have a split personality...
(a) The Small Complication - from 7 to 9 players; if you wish to play with more, you will need a second copy of the base game
This variant permits each player to portray a true role, her character being visible to all: the Fortune Teller, the Hunter, the Witch, Cupid, the Defender, the Elder, the Scapegoat, and up to 2 Simple Villagers are the characters whom you will portray. Deal each one player one of these cards face-up.
Then deal to each player a second card face down, called the alignment card, from the following: 2 Werewolves and 5 to 7 Simple Villagers, according to the number of players.
Each player keeps the alignment card she received secret as long as she is not eliminated.
This alignment card tells the player to which camp she belongs: Werewolves or Villagers.
The goal of the players whose alignment card is a Werewolves is to eliminate the players whose alignment card is Villager, and vice versa.
Do not disturb the following characters: Thief, Little Girl, Idiot, Piper.
(b) The Great Complication
Prepare the cards as before, shuffle them, then deal two cards face-down to each player. These cards will remain secret.
What can be done without making any changes: The Witch can be the Fortune Teller, the Hunter can be the Defender, and the Elder can be the Scapegoat.
When a player has at least one Werewolf card, she is a Werewolf. If this player has a special ability on the other card, she can use it as well.
(6) Harvest Festival: The inebriation from the festivities strangely modifies the abilities of the inhabitants of Millers Hollow.
It is suggested to have more Werewolves than usual. All the abilities are disrupted until the end of the game by excessive drink, according to the following indications:
- The Werewolves can only devour someone next to one of them.
- The Fortune Teller is drunk, and cannot distinguish between the visions that appear in her mind: The Fortune Teller as usual, designates a player whose personality she wishes to probe, but in response, the moderator gives her the identities of 3 players: the designated player and his 2 neighbors. The moderator should not specify which player portrays which character.
- The Hunter must choose his victim from one of his two neighbors.
- The Little Girl has a hard time managing her slumber. She awakes too late to spot Werewolves and can only spy on the Witch.
- The Thief, if she has the Thief card all day, must during the first night, with the help of the moderator, exchange it with the card of the player of her choice. Each player will have to check his character the following morning.
- The Sheriff will have to vote before all the other players.
- The Scapegoat is no longer eliminated in the event of tie, but rather in the place of one of her two neighbors, should they be eliminated by village vote.
- The Idiot drunk is no more (or less) idiotic that usual; nothing change for her.
- The Witch is distracted, she has mislaid one potion (thus can only use her ability once), and furthermore, when she uses her ability, she is sometimes mistaken about the bottle.
After the Witch has designated a player, the moderator tosses the lid and bottom of a Werewolves box, and according to their disposition on the ground, announces aloud the result of the potion:
> Inner Lid + Inner Bottom = Cured
> Inner Lid + Outer Bottom = Cured and transformed into a Simple Villager
> Outer Lid + Inner Bottom = Cured and transformed into a Werewolf
> Outer Lid + Outer Bottom = Eliminated
- Cupid chooses the two Lovers, who see each other and fall asleep again, just like normal: they are the True Lovers. After that, however, he points at one of the True Lovers and one other player.
The moderator awakens them so they can see each other. The True Lover becomes the Deceitful Lover, the new lover become the Secret Lover, and they fall asleep again. The True Lover who wasn't selected become the Jilted Lover.
From then on:
> If the Jilted Lover is killed, neither of the other Lovers die.
> If the Deceitful Lover is killed, both of the other Lovers die.
> If the Secret Lover is killed, then only the Deceitful Lover dies, the Jilted Lover realizes he has been Jilted and does not die.
The Jilted Lover may not vote against the Deceitful Lover, though she can do it to him.
It is forbidden for the Secret Lover and the Deceitful Lover to vote against one another.
- The Defender can only protect herself or one of her 2 neighbors.
- The Piper charms only one player at a time.
(7) The Black Death: A surprise from the moderator, to be kept secret from all players.
(8) Lycanthropic Fascination: Now, the Werewolves fascinate their victims!
So that their crimes remian as discreet as possible, the Werewolves develop their faculty to mesmerize their victims, rather than devour them.
Each victim of the Werewolves is no longer eliminated from the game, but immediately loses all her abilities.
Each night, the Werewolves designate one victim who must keep her eyes closed. In order to let her know that she was fascinated, the moderator discreetly touches her head. In the morning, she remains anonymous.
Therefore, as the night pass, there will be more and more mesmerized victims.
Note, if one of the mesmerized victims gets lynched, all the other Werewolf victims are immediately eliminated as well...
The Werewolves win if they mesmerize the second-to-last Villager.
(9) New Moon: The magnum opus of this expansion, 36 events that modify the dramatic nature of your adventures each morning with awakening of the Villagers.
[To be further elaborate...]
This is the new feature of the expansion where by events will be added into the game play to create new possibilities, prevent imbalance, some merely for fun, and etc
(1) Somnambulism - The Fortune Teller has become a sleepwalker. From now until the end of the game, the Moderator will announce the secret identity of the character that Fortune Teller reveal out loud. However, the rest still will not know on which player Fortune Teller was spying.
(2) Touch of Death - From now until the end of the game, in order to be devoured, the victim of the Werewolves must be touched by one of them. Otherwise, there will be no victim of the Werewolves.
(3) Executioner - In order to keep their hands clean, the villagers elect someone to the office of Executioner. From now until the end of the game, the identity of the victims of the vote will be known only to the Executioner; Executioner will never show the card of the victims.
(4) Burial - Once the Werewolves are sated, they bury the remains of their nocturnal victims. From now until the end of the game, the identities of the Werewolves' victim will never revealed to anyone.
(5) Double Agent - The village falls asleep, the first player eliminated designates a non-Werewolves player to open the eyes. The Moderator secretly points out the werewolves to the player, who becomes their secret ally.
(6) The Little Rascal - The youngest person of the village will be the "Little Rascal", who leaves in search of aid in the neighboring village. He returns the next morning and he takes back his place, but his vote will be worth triple.
(7) Backfire - The next night, if the Werewolves designate a Simple Villager, she is not eliminated, but instead transforms into a Werewolf. Otherwise, the victim survives and the first Werewolf to her left is struck down.
(8) Dissatisfaction - Disappointed by their lousy results, the village gets carried away with their lust for justice. If the next player eliminated by the village is not a Werewolf, the village, vexed, votes a second time. The second vote proceeds immediately and without discussion, in order to eliminate a second suspect.
(9) Influences - The next vote is done in turn. The first voter designates a player and leaves her arm pointed. The player to her left proceeds in the same fashion, and so on.
(10) Full Moon Rising - The following night, the Werewolves become Fortune Teller. Each one of them will awake in turn to spy on 1 player. The Hunter, the Witch, and the Fortune Teller become Werewolves; they awake together and eliminate 1 player during the night.
(11) Enthusiasm - Encouraged by their exceptional results, the village gets carried away with their lust of justice. If the next player eliminated by the village is a Werewolf, the village, over-joyed, voted a second time. The second vote proceeds immediately and without discussion, in order to eliminate a second suspect.
(12) The Specter - Discreetly touched by the moderator, the next player designated by the Werewolves opens her eyes. The Werewolves keep their eye open. She becomes a Werewolf, and designated 1 vote of the old Werewolves, who is immediately eliminated.
(13) Miracle - The last victim of the Werewolves is not actually eliminated. She simply fainted of fright in the face of the lycanthropes, and that saved her. She regains her senses and returns to the game immediately, but as a Simple Villager.
(14) Good Manners - You are all courteous to the other villagers: Interrupting anyone is forbidden. Each of you speaks in turn under the supervision of the moderator. Any player who violates this rule loses her right to vote for this turn.
(15) Saint Philippe - In memory of the great Philippe the Lame, the village elects a truly charismatic leader. If the village already had a Sheriff, he is fired for incompetence and a new Sheriff is elected. The elected Sheriff recites the oath as follows: "The way of Philippe I shall follow, and the village I shall protect."
(16) Heads or Tails - Today, the village pays homage to the famous player Herve the One-Eyed. The moderator, immediately after the verdict of the tribunal, selects possible grace for the condemned with the flip of a coin. Tails: The village releases the condemned, who cries "Oh, many thanks, Herve!". Heads: The condemned is eliminated and cries "Oh I hate you, Herve!".
(17) Woodland Gathering - All the female players depart into the forest to gather mysterious plants, which are indispensable to the Witch. They will return at sundown. They participate neither in debates, nor in votes. The male players may not vote against them. The Witch recovers an extra potion just before nightfall.
(18) Radiant Sunday - Everybody benefits from the sun. Nothing in particular occurs. It is a normal turn unless the moderator decides to apply the "Lycanthropic Fascination" variant.
(19) Saturday Evening Ball - This evening, the youngsters of the village will dance, and won't return until dawn. Each player gives her age; the younger half of the village will form a clan of dancers. The dancers participate neither in debates, nor in votes. The "geezers" may not vote against them. Moreover, the "youngsters" can neither eat if they are Werewolves, nor be devoured by the Werewolves.
(20) Eclipse - This morning, there's a bad moon rising in Millers Hollow. The villager are gruff with one another. The player turn their backs towards the center of the circle, and debate without looking at one another. The moderator forbids anyone who disobeys from voting. The players will return to their usual orientation at the precise instant of the vote.
(21) Pact with the Devil - Immediately after the verdict of the tribunal, the condemned can make a pact with the devil. In this case, she is not eliminated by this vote. But take note! If, at the end of the game, she belongs to the camp that vanquished, she will then be excluded from the potential next game.
(22) Flood - A flood transforms Millers Hollow into lakeside village. The female players are sheltered in the church; the male players, in the inn. There is no vote during the day. The next night, the Werewolves must eat in the building where they have taken refuge. Thus, there can be 2 victims of the Werewolves. This event only applies if at least 6 players remain.
(23) April Fools' - Certain characters exchange their abilities: Witch & Fortune Teller. Hunter & Little Girl. Defender & Elder. As for the Lovers, they hate one another, and each must vote against the other. This turn, if one of the lovers dies, the other remains alive, since they don't like each other any more.
(24) End of the Harvest - Everyone is a little tired; nothing special happens. It is a normal turn unless the moderator decides to apply the "Harvest Festival" variant.
(25) Great Distrust - Fierce distrust sweeps through the village of Millers Hollow. Each villager gets 2 votes she can use to designate her 2 best friends. The votes will be executed simultaneously with the players' 2 hands when the moderator gives the signal. If one or more players find themselves without any vote for them, they will be eliminated.
(26) Luncheon for Seniors - The veterans will pass their day at the seniors' banquet in a neighboring village, and will not return until the setting of the sun. Each player gives her age; the older half of the village forms the clan of seniors. Until their return, they participate neither in debates, nor in votes. The "youngsters" may not vote against them.
(27) Punishment - In order to make him pay for her disappearance, the player last eliminated designates a player. This player will be eliminated, unless at least 2 people attest to his integrity. The witness will come to kiss him on the cheek. If they are slow in appearing, the condemned has the right to plead to elicit the kisses.
(28) Gone Hunting - The male players leave to go hunting in the forest. They don't return until dawn. They participate in neither the debates, nor the votes. The players cannot vote against them. Moreover, they can neither devour if they are the Werewolves, nor be devoured by the Werewolves.
(29) Nor Me, Nor Wolf - Out of superstition, the villagers choose not to speak the words "wolf", or "me" any more. Any player who violates this rule loses her votes in the coming vote.
(30)Bleak Monday - It is a sad, uneventful day. Nothing in particular happens. It is a normal turn unless the moderator decides to apply the "In any case, it surely isn't him!" variant.
(31) Nightmare - A person of the village appeared in your dreams, exhibiting the traits of a lycanthrope assassin. Immediately the villagers awake, and without discussion, starting with the player to the left of the last one eliminated, each player must accuse 1 villager. The villager with the most accusations will be eliminated.
(32) Spiritualism - The village organizes a seance to invoke the departed spirit of the first victim of the Werewolves... A player is chosen and she ask one of the following questions to the departed:
* Are the 2 players I am going to point in the same camp?
* Does at least one Werewolf wear glasses?
* Is the Witch a man?
* Is the Sheriff a Simple Villager?
The departed will respond with yes or no.
(33) Spiritualism - The village organizes a seance to invoke the departed spirit of the first victim of the Werewolves... A player is chosen and she ask one of the following questions to the departed:
* Is one of the Werewolves wearing jeans?
* Is one of the Werewolves wearing a black top?
* Are all the Werewolves men in real life?
* Are all the Werewolves women in real life?
The departed will respond with yes or no.
(34) Spiritualism - The village organizes a seance to invoke the departed spirit of the first victim of the Werewolves... A player is chosen and she ask one of the following questions to the departed:
* Did the Fortune Teller discover at least one Werewolf?
* Are some Werewolves next to each other?
* Is a Werewolf wearing at least one visible piece of jewelry?
* Am I a Werewolf?
The departed will respond with yes or no.
(35) Spiritualism - The village organizes a seance to invoke the departed spirit of the first victim of the Werewolves... A player is chosen and she ask one of the following questions to the departed:
* Am I a Simple Villager?
* Is one of the Werewolves the Sheriff?
* Does one of the Werewolves live where we are playing?
* Is one of the Werewolves a smoker?
The departed will respond with yes or no.
(36) Spiritualism - The village organizes a seance to invoke the departed spirit of the first victim of the Werewolves... A player is chosen and she ask one of the following questions to the departed:
* Is one of the Werewolves a man?
* Is one of the Werewolves a woman?
* Is one of the 2 neighbors of the player I indicate a Werewolf?
* Is the player that I indicate a Simple Villager?
The departed will respond with yes or no.
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